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What is tribulus terrestris used for?

Tribulus Terrestris, also known as puncture vine, is a plant that is often used to enhance body building and sexual function. It is a common ingredient in many multi-ingredient dietary supplements. Several studies have shown that tribulus has immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, hypolipidemic, and liver protective properties. It has also been found to have aphrodisiac and testosterone-enhancing effects.


The plant has a broad spectrum of beneficial effects that are mainly due to its hepatoprotective, immunomodulatory, diuretic and urinotropic properties (Chhatre et al., 2014; Shahid et al., 2016; GamalEl Din 2019). It has libido-enhancing, sperm stimulating and antiandrogen activity due to the presence of saponins like norharman and harman. It also has anti-aging and estrogenic activity because of its dioscine and protodioscin content.

Its ability to relieve urinary tract infections, urolithiasis, painful or frequent urination, hematuria, burning micturition, swollen feet and ankles, fatigue and muscle weakness is because of its bacteriostatic and bacteriocidal action on a variety of urogenital bacteria, viruses and fungi (Al-Bayati et al., 2008; Shaheen et al., 2019).

Although some isolated reports of liver damage resulting from the use of pungent b-carbolines have been reported, there is no report of clinically relevant liver tests abnormalities or serum enzyme elevations in patients taking herb/spray containing norharman and harman (Bourke et al., 1961). Chemical control is possible, but it poses risks to other plants, soil chemistry and biology, water quality and animals. A mix of manual and pre-emergent chemicals is most effective for eradication of the weed.


The root, fruit and leaves of the low-growing plant Tribulus terrestris are used as a tonic and aphrodisiac in traditional medicine. The plant is an annual in the caltrop family (Zygophyllaceae) and is found in dry climate locations throughout the world.

Research shows that taking tribulus terrestris supplements may improve libido in women and men with low sexual drive. It has also been used to treat erectile dysfunction in men. Other benefits of the supplement include the ability to increase testosterone levels, and to reduce premenstrual symptoms in women.

However, it is important to note that studies have been mixed when it comes to the effectiveness of this herb as a sexual enhancer. Additionally, studies have shown that tribulus terrestris can interfere with some medications, including blood pressure pills and diuretics. Additionally, some tribulus terrestris supplements sold to athletes to boost strength and performance may contain banned substances, such as androgenic anabolic steroids. This can result in a positive doping test result.

Side Effects

Tribulus terrestris can cause side effects, including stomach cramps and indigestion. Large doses and long-term use might harm the liver or kidneys. One study found that high doses of tribulus may cause jaundice and liver damage in bodybuilders. Other studies have linked tribulus to changes in male hormones and prostate cancer. Lab and animal studies have shown that tribulus can decrease blood pressure, relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and treat infections. It might also help reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering blood cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol levels.

In some small-scale human studies, tribulus may improve sexual function in men with low testosterone levels and in women with low libido. However, larger and more in-depth studies are needed.

Tribulus is not on the DoD Prohibited Dietary Supplement Ingredient List and should not cause a positive drug test result in Service Members. However, some dietary supplements may contain ingredients that are prohibited by the DoD, so be sure to check the label and choose products with third-party certification seals.


Tribulus Terrestris is an invasive species in some areas and requires care when used as an herb. High doses and long-term use can cause liver damage. There is one report of a man suffering from severe jaundice and kidney failure after taking Tribulus supplements for body building.

The plant has been used in traditional medicine for several disorders. It has diuretic, antiurolithic, aphrodisiac, antidiabetic and cardiotonic effects. It also has neuroprotective, immunomodulatory and hepatoprotective properties (Chhatre et al., 2014; Shahid et al., 2016).

In addition to being a testosterone booster for men, it has been shown to improve the quality of sperm and promote fertility in humans and farm animals (Kumari and Singh, 2015). It can be used by athletes as an ergogenic supplement because of its ability to increase energy vigor and muscle strength. In addition, it may help prevent and treat prostate cancer. However, it should be avoided in women because it can decrease estrogen levels, which is important to maintaining hormonal balance.

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